Written by ilya S Sunday, 09 April 2006
Senator Feingold is slowly gaining allies in the effort to censure President Bush. First Sen. Boxer and Sen. Harkin signed on saying that they completely support Feingold resolution. Then, during the Judiciary Committee Hearings, Sen. Leahy of Vermont said he would be inclined to support censure. Now, it looks like John Kerry is also on board:
Former presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., told CNN Thursday he's also inclined to support a censure.
"I think the hearings are appropriate, and I would be prepared to vote for it" if it's shown the president did not follow the requirements of the law," said Kerry, referring to the hearings that have been held by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
And, Sen. Feingold is just getitng started. He recently told the press that:
And in the last few days, Feingold said he's heard from other Democratic senators who have told him that their constituents are asking why they haven't publicly supported a censure resolution.
This is how you pass common sense resolutions and build support. You reach out directly to the public and explain your resolution, then you let other Senators make up their minds as the legislation winds its way through the process. Remember, while Sen. Feingold was the 1st Senator to call for Iraqi withdrawal, all but four of the Dems voted for a timeframe soon thereafter. And, while Sen. Feingold was the only US Senator to vote against the Patriot Act, he was joined last December by so many Senators that they sucessfully forced changes to be made in the Patriot Act extension. There was also a time when Campaign Finance Reform wasn't popular, but then Feingold helped make it common sense legislation.
Feingold knows how to lead his fellow Democrats. Let's have him lead the country in 2008.
Please sign Censure Petition: