Associopath Press Geriatric Meadows, MD - Interrupting his important "Medicaid Comedy Tour '06", President Bush decided to boldly step away from the cherry picked audience of the town-hall style forum to take questions from a group of cherry picked journalists.
Q - "How much would you be helping the Iranian people by bombing them?"
Bush - "I'm glad you read me that question. I feel that the Iranian people need a new beginning. Their oppressive 'democratically elected, but that's beyond the point' leaders are threatening the world by heating Tehran homes with evil renewable energy sources."
Q - "Sir, you didn't answer my question..."
Bush - "See, now that's good journalism."
Q - "Thank you sir."
Bush - "Don't do it again. Now, I've personally never been to Iran, but I've been to Iraq for an hour or two and I'll tell ya...it's no Texas. I believe that if the Iranian people could see how taking down a few mountains with a couple of strategic tactical nukular weapons beautifies their landscape, they would see that the U.S. cares and it would raise their morale to christian levels. That would inspire them to see the error of their ways, stop with their uppity nukular power plans, and resort to safer methods of obtaining energy such as burning dried donkey dung and Korans...or perhaps giant camel treadmills."
President Bush concluded, "Diplomacy is of course option number one, so first we're going to leave the negotiations to the UN and the diplomatic genius John Bolton, hater of all things not American. Thank you."