This is the headline I just read.
Can 'left' be redrafted to 'people'?
The headline could say PERU POSED TO SHIFT TO THE PEOPLE?
Why not associate left with people? While associating right with corporations, barons, and reverends?
Instead of saying a left leaning organization, say people leaning organization.
We must put our foot down. We don't have to accept the insinuation of communism or socialism as it applied to the U.S. in the 1930's to now.
The leaders of the right are the ones who have made China, where communism still reigns, into their best financiers, corporate partners, suppliers.
In the U.S., we have no Left Party, no People Party, but what we, the people, want is everything that is for the people - justice, rights, opportunity, fairness and to retain what we were taught of, for, by the people.
So, starting with phrasing, see if it will work to correct anyone who demeans by using the word 'left' and substitute 'people' whenever possible?
I'm a leftie. No, cancel that. I'm a peopleie.