And wow! is that group fighting back, and Darcy Burner as well. All the Republicans know how to do is attack when they are cornered. Shades of Tom DeLay...I remember when he threatened to sue DFA as well. Washington State Republican Party (WSRP), incredibly nervous about the strength of Darcy Burner's campaign in the 8th Congressional District, has filed a frivolous complaint with the Federal Elections Commission alleging that federal election laws were violated. The GOP complaint, which was apparently filed yesterday, is aimed at legal volunteer activities conducted by private citizens, including NPI's own Media & Communications Director, Andrew Tsao.
The GOP alleged that Eastside Democracy for America (DFA) paid for a campaign event that was not listed in any of Burner's federally-mandated campaign disclosures, and produced and distributed a videotape of the event.
And NPI is that Rosenberg's media group, part of the Democracy Alliance?
Eastside Democracy for America is not a 527, a PAC, non-profit organization, company or corporation of any kind We are an informal group of private citizens who gather regularly to work together towards an equitable, just, free and economically sustainable America by taking local political action towards that goal. Eastside Democracy for America was inspired by the grassroots efforts of the Howard Dean campaign in 2004, and by the PAC Democracy for America (“DFA”). However, we have no affiliation, legal or organizational, with Democracy for America. We conduct no regular business with DFA, receive no funds, provide no funds to them, nor are we beholden to any DFA mandates, policies or programs. We use freely available tools that are posted on the DFA website for organizing, identification and political activities.
Andrew Tsao, co-organizer of Eastside DFA and producer of the video materials mentioned in the FEC complaint, is a private citizen and registered Democrat who resides in Bellevue, Washington. He received no funds from the Darcy Burner campaign to produce the videos. He produced the video with volunteer efforts, with equipment he owns privately, and edited, duplicated and distributed the videos entirely on his own. The total out of pocket expenses for producing both videos mentioned in the FEC complaint was less than $200.00.
And Darcy responded quickly as well:
Darcy Burner's campaign reacted swiftly.
"Because of people’s desire for change, hundreds of people helped Darcy raise twice as much as Congressman Reichert last quarter. This obviously spooked the Republican," said Zach Silk, campaign manager for the Darcy Burner campaign, who denounced the attack.
Darcy lined up in front of McDermott to be introduced at the DNC event with Dean in WA recently.