She wrote a column on why the anti-war movement needs to embrace repentence. Now, I think I'm a pretty forgiving woman. The average repub who admits they were wrong in supporting bush will get a sympathetic smile plus information about how much they've been lied to over the last five years.
But when it comes to the politicians in D.C., I think that's a different matter.
Here's what she says:
And since so many of these people-with-a-platform -- on both sides of the aisle -- voted for the war (and made speeches similar to Hillary's), no change in policy will happen until enough of them publicly change their minds. And say that they were wrong. And, with a bit of luck, say they're sorry. But I'll take it even if they don't say they're sorry.
It's more than a little ironic that Newt Gingrich was the spark for this latest dustup, since the transformation in my political thinking was prompted in large measure by my deep disillusionment back in 1996 with Gingrich, his empty rhetoric, his hypocrisy, and his hidden agenda.
Maybe that's why I have a soft spot for people publicly changing their minds. It's rarely simple or painless (see Francis Fukuyama's op-ed on the reaction to his switch on the war). But it's absolutely what we need to have happen more and more if we're going to put an end to the debacle in Iraq.
The sooner all the guilty fuckers fess up and admit they were wrong, the better., I do agree that the more who fess up and admit they were wrong is better, but I'm not sure if we should be so willing to bring them into the fold. I'm suspicious and question their motives. Here is what I posted:
I'm a huge fan of Hillary. I'm dismayed at her refusing to concede the mistake she made in voting for this obscene war. I honestly can't defend her on this.
Month after month evidence was made public proving this administration lied, misinterpreted, and mishandled the case for war. Even before going to war, there were enough indicators that Saddam did not have WMD.
But with the assistance of corporate media, post 9/11 flag waving, the politicians rolled over and voted for war.
Some have acknowledged their mistake. John Edwards and John Kerry, just to name a few.
But many, no matter whether they are repub or dem, continue to hold onto their vote and refuse to admit they made a mistake.
Hell, not one single senator can stand up and say they were lied to. It's as obvious as the nose on their faces they were lied to. They use soft words like 'misled' it was some accident.
This proves how little there is of leadership in this country. With the exception of a rare few, no one is willing to really stand front and center, point their finger at the WH and say 'you lied and thousands have died'.
I do question those who have only recently come around since support for the war in Iraq has slipped so dramatically. Are they pandering or do they come to realize their mistake? How can we know?
With so much evidence that has been publicized for months over the lies one has to wonder why it took so long.
And to those who refuse to concede their holding to their vote they are supporting bush's war.When I checked a few minutes ago it hadn't shown up, but I think the masses are letting her know they don't fully agree with her. But as much as we want this war to end, bring our troops home, and hold the bush administration accountable, I can't help but keep a hold of my distrust. After so much evidence has been brought to light, I question the motives of politicians who, at this late date, suddenly come around.