is a very real concern but it is only because I've noticed how BushCo, Republicans in the Houses and many in the corp world do things covertly and through manipulation. They don't care what the majority want, they don't care about what's right... they only care about power and getting what they want. More so then ever it seems that by hook or by crook (or under the cloak of darkness) they'll get their way.
Take for instance Bush's dream of privatizing of Social Security. No matter how much he talks the American public isn't buying it and many professionals are advising against it, even offering better solutions to fix the problem. So what does Bush do? Why like any CEO who thinks they know better then 90% of those in the field below him/her he pulls an end run around it and">adds it into the budget bill only days after his SOTU where he admits he failed to get it through.
Bush and the Republicans have become increasingly more like those children, who when Mommy and Daddy say "no", go through sometimes they want. What I'm hoping for is that smarter and cooler heads will prevail at least long enough to get Dems back into the majority so we can put a choke chain on this anti-American bunch.
Anyway, although Iran and Bush are a very real concern as I said it's not on the top of my "Things to stress over today" list. Since I have become disabled (and even more so now that I'm older) I have adopted a "worry" litmus test... I ask myself if there is anything I can
realistically DO about X. If there is I do my best to DO it. If it's something out of my control and I can't DO anything except worry about it I chose to TRY and not worry since that uses up precious energy I need for things I CAN DO something about. So, given that, in the area of politics I'd rather spend my very limited energy on doing something that has a very good chance of making a real difference. I feel that can be made through helping getting Dems elected as a majority in Nov and getting the word out to the American voters about all the BS BushCo and the Republicans have been pulling (which will hopefully help the former). Other then that quite frankly I have more immediate and very pressing personal worries that, if Bush doesn't start WW III and/or Armageddon, will still NEED to be taken care of ASAP (yesterday would have been good) and I CAN do something about if I can find the energy.
PS: I'm not fully online yet today so hopefully this isn't too badly muddled. If anyone feels that it is I apologize in advance.:hangover: )