Yesterday I heard a story from a lawyer. He said he knew a man who was about 63-64 years old. This man had retired at age 62, and had gotten his social security retirement for about a year, perhaps a bit more.
Then, recently, the man got a letter from Social Security, informing him that his check would be cut off--and further informing him that he had to pay back all the social security he'd gotten. That amounted to some $9000.00 they said he owed them.
The reason, according to the letter, was that the man had a felony WARRANT out for him. (Turned out, there was a felony WARRANT open on the man in L.A. county, which is some 3000 miles from where the man now lives. And the warrant dated from over a decade ago.)
(If there is anyone here who secretly harbors just a grain of sympathy for the fact that a "criminal" had to pay for his "crime" by losing his social security, let me explain something: a WARRANT is not the same as being guilty of a crime. It is only an order telling police to arrest someone, and a WARRANT can be issued on SUSPICION of guilt. There need be no finding of guilty in court, nor plea of guilty in court, for someone to have a warrant out for them. Frankly, if a crooked prosecutor or cop got mad at you or me, that person could engineer to have a WARRANT go out for our arrest.)
The lawyer told us that the reason this man has lost his social security due to a mere ACCUSATION (not conviction) of a felony, is because RICK SANTORUM, our favorite senator, authored this bill, and President No-Brains, No-Pain, No-Vetoes signed it, and it went into effect as of Jan. 2006.
Anyone know anything further about this? I figure Rick the Dead Baby Lover probably also included something where, if you don't say, "May I", you find out you can't get social security, and decades from now we're all gonna be very surprised b/c we'll turn out to have been "ineligible" all along under some other hokey provision of this bill which is now law.
Oh yeah--I forgot to tell you the part where the lawyer called L.A. District Attorney's Office and spoke to an Assistant D.A. about the warrant. The Ass't. D.A. yelled at him. Know what he said? "Don't look at US! Blame George Bush!" Whereupon he told them about little Ricky's bill.