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Since the prosecution's April 5 filing became public, neither the White House nor Cheney has challenged its description of Cheney as a relay point between Bush and Libby: Cheney personally told Libby that Bush had authorized the use of the intelligence report to counter critics, and Cheney specifically told Libby when and how to deal with the press in doing so. Previous legal documents have noted that Cheney was the first person to tell Libby that Joseph Wilson's wife was a CIA operative.
Buried on page 26 of last week's 39-page filing was a passing reference to other unnamed government officials who are "subjects of the ongoing grand jury investigation . . . ."Bush, accompanied only by his private attorney, Jim Sharp, was interviewed at the White House by Fitzgerald and other members of the special prosecutor's team on June 24, 2004. Cheney was interviewed a few weeks earlier. The 2004 presidential election campaign was about to shift into high gear. The political stakes could not have been higher.
The questions put to the president and vice president by investigators and the answers they gave remain undisclosed.
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/columnists.nsf/ericmink/story/536DC031607C35948625714E001C74F7?OpenDocumentWouldn't ya like to be a fly on the wall of several dozen lawyers offices around the country right now?