Oh shit. Is it tax day already? Where the hell did I put my goddamn stamps? I gotta get this check in the mail so we can buy the Cretin-in-Chief another fucking boat.
And no, that’s not a euphemism, dickhead. Your President and mine has so little sense of decorum that while he was telling crippled vets he couldn’t afford to pitch in for their medicine, he was dropping two million federal clams on a fucking yacht. Way to rub it in our faces, asshole. I bet if we sell back some of that body armor we can hook you up with a fish finder.
Or maybe I should be all fucking Business Republican and efficient and just drop my 1040-EZ in the collection plate next Sunday? Over two billion of our hard-earned tax dollars are getting funneled to religious groups already, so why not cut out the middleman and set Jesus up with that Lexus he’s had his eye on?
Surely he deserves it – that fucker’s been working harder than a Babylonian with a speech impediment. What with picking the winners at the Oscars and fixing the Super Bowl, he barely had time to pitch in when Katrina turned the Ninth Ward into the deep end at Six Flags Moisture Madness. Sure, those bastards in the liberal media kept rerunning those boring helicopter rescues, but on the ground there were thousands of church-goers out making the survivors sit through Sunday School for a Pop-Tart and a snack-size Sunny-D.
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