Does anyone know who they are affiliated with? Isn't UFPJ also doing a peace resolution campaign? I know some cities are doing this but I don't know if they are all adopting the same resolution or what. I don't think NYC has done this. Did SF do it? Sorry so many questions! I think New York should do this. Chicago, IL PDF Print E-mail
On September 14, 2005, Chicago approved a resolution calling for an "immediate and orderly withdrawal"
from Iraq by a vote of 29-9.
WHEREAS, The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 was passed by the
U.S. Congress on October 11, 2002, and that Public Law 107-243 cited Iraq’s possession of weapons of
mass destruction as a primary reason for the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq; and
WHEREAS, On January 12, 2005, President Bush officially declared an end to the search for weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq; and
WHEREAS, The United States initiated combat operations in Iraq on March 19, 2003; and
WHEREAS, Hundreds of thousands of members of the United States Armed Forces have served with honor and
distinction in Iraq; and
WHEREAS, More than 1,700 members of the United States Armed Forces have been killed and more than
12,000 members of the Armed Forces have been wounded in substantially accomplishing the stated purpose
of the United States of giving the people of Iraq a reasonable opportunity to decide their own future;
WHEREAS, The United States military occupation of Iraq has placed significant strains on the capacity
of the United States Armed Forces, both active duty and reserve and the National Guard.
WHEREAS, The armed forces of Iraq number more than 76,000 troops as of June 8, 2005, and are growing
in number and capability daily; and
WHEREAS, The forces of the Iraqi Interior Ministry number more than 92,000 personnel as of June 8,
2005, and are growing in number and capability daily; and
WHEREAS, More than $200 billion has been appropriated by Congress to fund military operations and
reconstruction in Iraq, and Chicago residents’ share now exceeds $2.1 billion; and
WHEREAS, The funds spent by Chicago taxpayers on the war and occupation in Iraq could have provided
Head Start for one year for 238,056 children; or medical insurance for one year for 1,076,242
children; or 31,147 public school teachers for one year; or 16,183 additional housing units, according
to the National Priorities Project; and
WHEREAS, The war and continued occupation have resulted in the devastation of Iraq’s physical and
social infrastructure and led to widespread and continuous resistance to U.S. occupation that
threatens the lives of Iraqi civilians and the men and women who compose the ranks of U.S. and other
occupying forces; and
WHEREAS, The presence of United States forces in Iraq and the alleged torture of prisoners at Abu
Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and other facilities have inflamed anti-American passions in the Muslim
world and increased the terrorist threat to United States citizens, both at home and abroad; and
WHEREAS, Polls show that less than half of the American people support the war; and
WHEREAS, Illinois Congresspersons Rush, Lipinski, Emanuel, Davis, Schakowsky, Jackson, Gutierrez, and
Costello joined more than 100 other Congresspersons in voting for a House resolution on an Iraq exit
strategy; and
WHEREAS, On January 2003, the Chicago City Council passed a resolution 47-1 opposing the war in Iraq
prior to its commencing in March 2003; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Chicago, on behalf of the citizens of Chicago,
urges the United States government to immediately commence an orderly and rapid withdrawal of United
States military personnel from Iraq; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of Chicago, recognizing that the stability of Iraq is
crucial to the security of the citizens of Chicago and to all Americans, urges the United States
government to provide the people of Iraq with all necessary non-military material aid as shall be
necessary for the security of Iraq’s citizens and for the rebuilding of Iraq; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the financial resources used to prosecute the war be redirected to
address the urgent needs of America’s great urban centers and the most vulnerable portions of our
population, including health, education, and homeland security; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution shall be sent to George W. Bush,
President of the United States, and the members of the Illinois Congressional delegation.