Off duty police officers severly beat Frank Jude Jr. for allegedly stealing a badge during a party that numerous off-duty police were in attendance. Jude's pictures were front page news over a year ago when his battered face appeared in Television and newspapers.
the jury is now in it's third day of deliberations.
The NAACP is calling for calm in the black communities. could be the spark that ignites race riots in Milwaukee. Notice the timing of the trial with easter no doubt done so to minimize any potetial violence if the cops are found not guilty
"The state's main witnesses said Jude was surrounded by up to 15 people, many of them off-duty officers who were at a party at defendant Andrew Spengler's Bay View home. Spengler suspected Jude of taking his badge. The witnesses said Jude was punched and kicked repeatedly in the head, face, body and groin and had a knife put to his throat. Jude said he was the subject of racial slurs, had his fingers yanked back and had something jammed into both ears.
McCann said it was telling that all the civilian witnesses and the first on-duty officers saw the beating, but none of the 10 off-duty officers there did."