I get a lot of judgement passed in front of me when I personally believe that you need to be cautious with your Judgement. I also don't believe that you can tell someone what to do with their beliefs, even if they are stuck 2000 years in the past with how they have locked thier viewpoints on the past and the way things were instead of how they are. They are claiming persecution when 80% of the country is claiming to be Christian. It makes as much sense as blaming the democrats for anything in the past 5 years, it's like a bully crying because the other children won't play with them.
If you were to poll people, you'll find more people who are homosexual than who claim they do not believe in some sort of higher power or higher-form to this world. The truth is that this is a well thought out tactic, People who are lead to believe that thier morality and ways are under attack band together and join a mob mentality, eventually taking on other aspects they would normally think to be Morally wrong in the name of being a part of a group they have begun to identify their self as being a part of.
These people desperately seek to have reocgnition of who they are, willingly morphing themselves to be a part of the group so they can gain praise and recognition from the group. We are all like that to some level, the balancing act of Humanity is to find the personal boarder between the personally defined self by aspects they see in others that they reflect in themselves and that which is who they are at the core. They seek answers to the questions that every single one of us has by thinking of ourselves. There is nobody who doesn't question who they are and what is their identity. The choice to identify with a religious figure is not uncommon, before Jesus was Moses and Buddah, and many others before them. The dangerous step is that line when one passes from being religious to being cultish.
These Fundamentalists, these radicals of the right are not bemoaning their Religion being under attack, they are crying because their sub-cult is under attack. They intentionally blur the lines as much as possible so that they can retain their power in the cult of personality. These people are not Christians, these people are the Pharasies they attack in their Sermons. They have become that which they proclaim to be the enemy of.
Real Christians, Real Muslims, Real Jews, Real Spritualists - I charge you - Change the argument, use thier own weapon against them. If they want to use Jesus ask how what they are doing supercedes his first or second laws from God. Remind them that Jesus called the Pharasies Lawyers who focused on the Law and not on the Spirit. When hese people attack you, state simply that your Religious choice is not what is under Attack but their hypocritical anti-christian actions.