It's easy to get stuck in a negative spiral with everything that's going on in the world. We've got this insane war, threats of a nuclear attack on Iran, NSA and Pentagon spying, a compliant corporate media, global warming, peak oil, an impending economic collapse, and a host of other things I'm probably forgetting about.
But, you know, negativity has never helped any matters. Thinking that we are somehow doomed doesn't make anyone want to go forward. I'm concerned about all these things, but, if I allowed them to weigh on me all the time, I'd be paralyzed.
I post a lot of messages here, most of them with a positive message. I have a lot of faith in humanity, believe it or not. Just the fact that so many of us are here trying to gain knowledge with which to face the future gives me hope.
I guess I can't help it. Even in the face of impending disaster I write essays, novels, and stories that celebrate hope and the conquest of human will over catastrophe.
My Infinity: Earth series is about the struggle against a ruthless alien invader that works behind the scenes by manipulating religion and politics to weaken the target. The first book is already out...the second and third are being released in June and December respectively. My contention is that these fundies and world destroyers we're dealing with in real life are the pawns of a race of beings that see us as little more than fodder, and have made a long career out of using our fears and prejudices against us on various alternate Earths.
My serial, which launches today, involves a fight against a monolithic church on a distant world that attempts to criminalize the very tool that threatens their power. This serial is an old idea made new for the electronic age--a new installment of the saga is available each week as a continuance of the overall story.'m just a tale-spinner, I'll admit. One who consistently gets great reviews and is still building a following. But I'm a loud, opinionated, LIBERAL tale-spinner, who enjoys nothing more than shaking his fist at the Powers-That-Be and tweaking their noses whenever possible.
So, I guess if the world's going to hell in a handbasket, I'm going to be the one scribbling in a notebook or typing on my laptop, describing our descent and making wry jokes along the way. Oh, and snatching a few pitchforks from the hands of our devilish entourage and jabbing a few butts with them too.
All we can do is keep fighting the good fight, telling it straight, and hope for the best. If we don't, what use is drawing another breath?
I write about heroes that are at once conflicted, confident, and occasionally scary as hell. But none of them believe in surrender.
And neither do I.