Except for a tiny handful, our congressional representatives are a disgrace and utterly useless to anyone except K Street lobbyists and fatcats back in their home districts. We have a President who does whatever the hell he wants, choosing which laws he will or will not obey, and spits on our Constitution. Congress does nothing except yawn and take another 2-week vacation. The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves. Afterall, there are no serious issues confronting the Republic right now other than the Bush administration's downhill toboggan slide into fascism, the disastrous war in Iraq, the impending war in Iran, Abu Ghraib/Gitmo/Rendition, the scary daily increases in serious global warming signals, the scandal after scandal emanating out of the White House, election corruption/reform, a spending spree & concomitant national deficit of such staggering proportions that the numbers are incomprehensible, etc. Congress' answer? Spring vacation. Hell, over the past 6 years Bush has basically neutered/emasculated/ignored Congress & the checks & balances system anyway, and they still dither around and actually robotically applaud the SOB at the State of the Union.