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Omaha, Neb. divides schools by race

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
donsu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 11:21 AM
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Omaha, Neb. divides schools by race

Omaha Schools Split Along Race Lines

In a move decried by some as state-sponsored segregation, the Legislature voted Thursday to divide the Omaha school system into three districts - one mostly black, one predominantly white and one largely Hispanic.


Supporters said the plan would give minorities control over their own school board and ensure that their children are not shortchanged in favor of white youngsters.


Omaha Sen. Pat Bourne decried the bill, saying, "We will go down in history as one of the first states in 20 years to set race relations back.''

"History will not, and should not, judge us kindly,'' said Sen. Gwen Howard of Omaha.

Attorney General Jon Bruning sent a letter to one of the measure's opponents saying that the bill could be in violation of the Constitution's equal-protection clause and that lawsuits almost certainly will be filed.

there was a man on Wash. Journal this a.m. that was for this dividing. saying what the first paragraph said.

it's true schools with mostly black students get less money, less everything.

but even if a school board has enough blacks on it to make it fair - will they still get equal money, etc.?

state govs. can be good at racism.
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BlooInBloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 11:23 AM
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1. Separate-but-not-equal...
What slave-state white folks have wanted since the 60s.
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TriMetFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 11:30 AM
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2. This kind of stuff is happening because
The American RAPE-blican Taliban has not been stopped. They have used Gays/Lesbians and Liberals as their wiping tool to get people behind them and now they are going to start going after the rest of America.
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BlooInBloo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 11:47 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Very consistent tho.....
They assault brown people both foreign AND domestic...
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TriMetFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 11:54 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Yes very consistent.
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norml Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 12:22 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Actually this is a victory for that poorer blacker district.
Now the right wing radio clowns have picked up on it as an opportunity to bash "Those who would divide us by race and class".

This started out as a fight to keep an annexed wealthy white suburban community out of the Omaha school district.

There's been a lot of rural opposition to school consolidation.

They say their communities are better served by smaller school districts.

State Senator Ernie Chambers put forward the proposition that maybe all the communities would be better served by smaller school districts.

Right wing radio clowns bash any mention of race or class as "Waging race and class warfare".

Don't buy their lie.
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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-15-06 12:04 PM
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5. comparable to South Dakota's anti-abortion law, this is intended . . .
to challenge a core legal principle decided years ago by the Supreme Court . . . in this case, Brown v. Board of Education outlawing "separate but equal" schools . . . how will the Bush court rule on this one? . . . stay tuned . . .
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