V.B. Price: Nixon pales
No recent president has a scandal sheet as lengthy as Bush's
By V.B. Price
Tribune Columnist
April 15, 2006
Sometimes you have to say the obvious.
In the past 40 or so years, the United States presidency has had four major political scandals, and they involved Presidents Johnson, Nixon, Clinton and George W. Bush. Of the four, Bush's season of scandal could well go down as the most infamous.
Imagine Nixon or Clinton engaging in massive, electronic, warrantless spying on Americans, in direct opposition to a law Congress passed to protect us from just that. Could they have lasted a moment longer than it takes to say "impeachment"? Absolutely not. And then Bush's attorney general says it isn't beyond possibility for the government to electronically spy on all Americans.
If it weren't for a GOP-controlled House and Senate, would this president still be in office?
No need to mention the administration's denial of global warming, nor the hideous proof of torture, the weakening of environmental health standards and the nasty little election tricks like phone-jamming by White House operatives in New Hampshire in 2002 to keep Democrats from the polls.
Just the CIA leak scandal and illegally spying on Americans are enough to make Bush our No. 1 nightmare president.
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