I have heard on CNN about this little girl in Oklahoma who was raped and murdered allegedly by a guy who has already been arrested. This is certainly sad news and I hope the guy who did it gets what he deserves. But in Cedar Rapids, Iowa last year, a similar case happened. A young girl was raped and murdered by a pair of freaks and it got scant national attention. Both cases are horrible and the perpetrators are among the worst that society can offer. This just a small example of crappy news reporting. Others are Natalee Holloway and some woman who took off from her wedding. My brother in law got stood up at the altar and nobody knew about that at all, possibly because it was nobody else's business. I guess what I'm trying to say is that news coverage in this country tends to run toward the somewhat trivial. I feel bad for the Holloway family, and my heart goes out to the little girl in Oklahoma's family, but these are regional stories at best. Unfortunately, these heinous crimes happen all too often and very few of them make national news. So who decides what makes it and what doesn't?