You were duped, you say. You were loyal to the Party, and really didn't realize how EVIL and AWFUL the guy at the top of the ticket truly was! You believed him when he said he was a Christian, and you trusted him to take care of the Security of the Nation. You had a ton of reasons to send him money, and to support him with your time and your votes. Besides "the other guy" was "just awful" (as per the media you were listening to), and you didn't like him anyway....
And now gas prices are triple what they were before Bush was appointed President in 2001, we are in two unwinnable wars with a third looming (with NUKES, yet!), the security of our borders can best be described as a joke, and the images of fellow citizens dying on rooftops during last year's Hurricane Katrina disaster still haunts you.
You made a mistake, and now you want to join the side of the "good guys." Who can blame you?
Unfortunately, membership to our club isn't free anymore. You helped create this mess, and now you are going to have to help fix it.
Did you send money to Republicans in 2000 or 2002 or 2004? Then a partial price of your penitence is to send twice as much to Progressive or Liberal causes and/or candidates this year and again in 2008. If you are reading this message, then you know how to use a computer, so google some that fit your values.
Did you volunteer your time? Then give twice as much this year and in 2008 to get the good guys in!
Did you bad mouth the sane folks around you? Apologize, and learn to speak truth instead of talking points.
And call your elected representatives IMMEDIATELY and DEMAND BUSH AND MINIONS STEP DOWN!
Yes, we know you are busy, but you helped create this mess, so you get to help clean it up.
And next time, try not to be a gullible fool, okay? We have enough dead people on this planet thanks to this administration, and your stupid ass support helped them think it was okay to kill innocent people, walk all over our constitution, and sell our government to the highest bidder. The rest of us are still a little ticked off about it, but we will forgive you eventually, once we get things back under control.
In the meantime, GET TO WORK! Your PENANCE Awaits!