I saw this knob on CSPAN2 last night. I was only able to watch about ten minutes, because at that point my intestines sprang from my body to constrict about my neck, thereby preventing me from witnessing any more of his idiocy.
He has a book oh-so-cleverly called "Donkey Cons" about the shameful misdeeds of Democrats past and present, and he was stumping for it in some shrine to Reagan.
For about 90% of the snippet that I caught, the author kept insisting and insisting that he was a Democrat for most of his life, proudly declaring that he voted for Mondale. But of late his horror at the Democrats' departure from their idealism has driven poor McCain away from the party.
Well, I don't buy it. He may have voted Dem, but he had the smarmy, hypocritical tone that you'll find in Lee Strobel, a hack who writes Christian apologetic drivel while proclaiming himself to be a former atheist. Nothing in Strobel's words or deeds supports this claim, yet it is apparently central to his credibility to come across as a "hostile witness" of sorts, rather than the false witness that he really is.
The same is true of McCain--his swipes at them durned Libruls are, one assumes, much more stinging since he insists that he was once a true Democrat before the party lost its way.
From word one I didn't believe him because his tone was so phony. But then he referred to MoveOn.org as "Loser.org," and he attacked "the fringe Left" for taking on Lieberman. Lieberman, according to Robert Stacy McCain, is one of the few Democrats who really get it.
Anyone have further opinions or input on Mr. McCain? He seems like a Grade-A asshole.