This morning I happened to turn my T.V. on and the station that came up had The Price Is Right on it. Now I live in VA which is EST and today's show came on at 11 a.m.
A contestant, a man, had just won a bid to get on the stage, and Bob Barker was talking to him. Barker then excitedly said something like, "Ladies and gentleman we have a member of the military here with us today, Sargent Smith. The guy raised his arms and it sounded like there were a few claps; however, the boos were unbelievable.
I have never heard of this happening to any of our troops before . . . has anyone else seen our troops or a member booed in a public arena? I loved the guy that told Cheney to go F*** himself as well as anyone that got through the screening for any of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield speeches of BS and called them on their own lies; however, who is booing the troops. How do you do that to someone that is risking their life because they took and oath and swore to stand by their word?
The neocons say if we are against the war then we have to be against the troops. Well, I beg to differ. I hate this war and the BS reasons we were given for starting it. I hate the senseless loss of life on both sides.
I hate that our troops are over there being told to kill; however, how can you not support them for doing what they swore they would do? They took an oath with their right hand in the air, left on the Bible, just like their Commander in Chief did; however, they have kept their word (unlike Bush who has been writing us a new constitution, or just destroying the one we have). They had no choice after they joined the military . . . Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield were the idiots that sent them there. They sent them to a country that has never seen peace. A part of the World where religious fanaticism is rampant and rules the people . . . not any man's law. Even Alexander the Great couldn't change their 600 a.d. mentality.