How religious conservatives and liberals interpret the Bible:
Conservative and liberal Christians interpret the Bible in very different ways. This leads to two distinct and contradictory sets of beliefs within Christianity on just about every conceivable topic. Homosexuality is no exception.
Conservative Christian theologians generally:
Believe that the Bible was written by authors who were directly inspired by God. Thus their writings are seen as inerrant -- completely free of error as originally written.
The Bible is regarded as the actual Word of God. Thus whenever the Bible and science disagree, the former must be right.
Most interpret the Garden of Eden story in the book of Genesis as indicating the fall of humanity into sin. They view homosexual behavior as one evidence of that sin.
When they study the Bible for guidance on homosexuality, they generally look for proof texts -- passages that clearly and directly deal with the topic.
Liberal Christian theologians tend to:
Interpret the Bible as having been written by authors who were intent on promoting their own religious and spiritual beliefs. The writers lived in a pre-scientific age, which treated slavery, genocide, mass murder, and the oppression of women as acceptable.
Since meaningful scientific study of sexual orientation did not begin until circa 1950 CE, biblical authors had no awareness of the topic. When the Bible and science disagree, we have to give greater weight to the recent findings of human sexuality researchers.
Most interpret the creation story in Genesis as composed of myths derived from Middle Eastern pagan religions. Many do not accept the reality of the fall of humanity.
When liberal theologians study the Bible for guidance on homosexuality, they generally look for applicable biblical themes, like those advocating justice, love, monogamy, caring, commitment, etc.