;_ylt=AqMOBQCGleRXZ6d0kLpDfjHy1g0B;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUlNEW YORK - The Times-Picayune of New Orleans and The Sun Herald of southern Mississippi each won the Pulitzer Prize for public service Monday for their dauntless coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath.
The Times-Picayune also received the Pulitzer in breaking news reporting for its storm coverage. The two papers managed to keep putting out the news — online, if necessary — despite damage to their buildings and disruption to their staffs.
Kudos to the Times-Picayune news team. They did an outstanding job during Hurricane Katrina and were never afraid to report the Bush administration's incompetence.