I don't know which letter I wrote got to this person, but it did. May have been a cumulative thing. Of course I had to write a reply
( after letter)
http://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060417/OPINION03/604170323/1014/OPINIONBush unfairly criticized
I am sick and tired of reading the ridiculous letters from Brian Essex. Doesn't he have a newspaper in Jackson he can write to?
Mr. Essex, no one except for you and the rest of your Democrat buddies have even thought about "nuking" Iran.
If you haven't noticed, there are a whole lot of these people out there called terrorists. And these people do not like Americans. They will do whatever they can to kill us.
Bush has a very tough job trying to protect this country, and you, from these people.
I think he's done a pretty good job considering there has not been another attack on this country since 9/11. Maybe you could quit bashing Bush and do something constructive.
If you have any better ideas on how to fight terrorism, why don't you run for president?
By the way, why don't you focus on something else besides Bush. If you haven't noticed, he's not going back in office in the next election. What good does it do to bash him everyday like you do?
I think you need a hobby.
Chris Lowe,
My reply-
I hate to break it to Chris Lowe ("Bush unfairly criticized" letter of April 17) but it is not just me and my "democratic buddies" that fear George Bush nuking Iran. A number of news organizations, publications and journalists with proven track records are asking the same questions as I am and I have written letters to them also. One of the hopes is in bringing the plans to light is that the American people will see the folly in this idea and rise up against it through dissent, the contacting of legislators and the petitioning of the government, which are all within our rights as Americans.
I cannot disagree with you that most of my letters that have been printed are anti- Bush. I have a laser like focus in that regards. I believe if you have a problem you should confront it head on. He was the person in charge during 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Katrina, the CIA leaks, and the yet innumerable corruption problems rising out of the Republican controlled Congress. If I were not to go after the person at the top of the ladder whom would you suggest?
As far as ideas go to protect us from terrorists, I would remove our troops from the Middle East, where they are acting as flypaper and bring them home to protect us here. We have, by our presence there and our unflinching support of Israel, created the problems that we now are confronting. Terrorism was around long before Mr. Bush stepped into the scene and will be around long after. You can aggravate a problem or try to solve it. Mr. Bush has chosen the former. If foreign oil dependency is the problem, raise the fuel efficiency of all vehicles by 10 miles per gallon and that problem is solved.
If these ideas appeal to you, please note that I am old enough to run for President, so if you wish, you may write me in on your 2008 ballot.
And lastly, I hate to break it to you, but this is my hobby and also an avenue to preach to someone besides the choir. If I can help one person understand the problems that lie before us as citizens and assist them in making an informed decision then I have achieved my goal.