Luke Ryland, blogger who runs, has had an excellent series of interviews with Larisa Alexandrovna on what is going on in Iran now, as well as Plame, Libby, Sibel Edmonds, and Dennis Hastert. Each one of these interviews really gives you good insight as to what is going on behind the scenes, and how the various different forces are all putting together what from the outside looks like a massive conspiracy, but is more complicated than that.
Raw Story has page that links to it here:'s the link to the story on, April 18, 2006
Larisa: Bad Leaks and Good Leaks
This is the third installment of my interview with Larisa Alexandrovna, Managing Editor of Raw Story.
In the first installment, All Roads Lead to Iran, we discussed the criminal & corporate power factions - both inside and outside of governments that led to the Iraq invasion, and are angling toward Iran, amongst other things.
In the second installment, All Roads Lead to Iran, Again, we discussed Brewster Jennings and Valerie Plame, Brewster Jennings and Sibel Edmonds, the 911 cover-up, and the corruption of Dennis Hastert.
In this installment, Bad Leaks and Good Leaks, we discuss:
1. Iran: Energy, Drugs & MEK
2. Intel Trafficking: Distinguishing between Strategic, Military, Industrial & Political leaks
3. How to corrupt a Congressman, or the entire Pentagon.
4. Promoting Good Leaks: How to support whistleblowers
Luke Ryland: Let's get back to Iran - why is Iran the Big Prize?
Larisa Alexandrovna: Iran has always been the big prize. I think the Golden Crescent of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, in general has been the Big Prize for various reasons - business interests, geopolitical reasons, etc. There are all sorts of reasons why it's been the crown jewel. There is not one single group, for example the Neoconservatives, who are guiding this ship if you will. There are factions who may have different agendas and ideologies, but they may work together because they have the same goals.
The article concludes with Larisa's conclusion that it's hard for many of the whistleblowers now to come out from behind the scenes and tell everyone what they've told her. There's too much at stake, and Larisa isn't willing to put them at risk either. She concludes that one of those actually involved in the conspiracy is going to have to "bite the bullet" and come forward to get this story out in the open.
Larisa also appeals to the rest of us to rattle the chains for these whistleblowers as much as we can so that the political cost in terms of grass roots support for their cause becomes too high later if they don't get heard.
I'll start following her advice by pointing others here again to my site to help get the word out on Sibel Edmonds' need to be able to testify in court, which she's been squashed by the executive and the judicial system and ignored by our legislative system so far. We need to march on Washington with this stuff and our "V for Vendetta" stuff on Halloween before the elections, if not before!