that we do have the power to influence our government. Those in power get a real sinking feeling when their city fills will millions of citizens loudly protesting their policies. It may take several million and it may take that on a near constant or at least frequent basis, but if all of them were united behind a clearly expressed set of demands... if things continue this way the worm will turn.
It does seem absurd for Bush to harbor even the smallest fantasies that he either has or deserves further chances to implement his further goals. His legacy, such as it is, is already secure and unavoidable though, it is conceivable that it could be worse (such as making his criminal tax-cuts "permanent" when they need to be revoked utterly). The man has no sense of proper behavior and like a small child resists even the idea of boundaries (especially those necessary for the good of all Americans and our place in the world). So, it's entirely likely he will continue to do everything that he is not prevented from doing which includes anything whether it is legal, Constitutional, moral or insane.
The real problem isn't just that he may do things that are within his proper powers to attempt, it's that he refuses to recognize or accept proper limitations and is happy to do whatever he can make happen even if it exceeds his actual authority and mandate. He can indeed do this and has done so repeatedly. He regularly exceeds the traditional and proper boundaries of the Executive. Anything he wants to do, especially if there isn't a formal documented prohibition (though that doesn't slow them down one bit), he does. It's not as difficult as you might think; all he has to do is order that it be done. Since those who answer to him (federal departments/employees such as those in the diplomatic service, law enforcement, intelligence, military and civil services) have to follow orders (unless they're certain it's against the law; even then unless they want to be fired or worse) the job gets done. Managerial level people in every department are used to getting "questionable" assignments done and ensuring relative secrecy (all that practice in covering their asses during their career advancement comes in handy). Nowadays, their assignments probably include things that are more than merely "questionable", but they have the Federal laws regarding classified information on their side (and probably figure it's both not their place to question orders from the White House and that it's not wise to protest or not go along). Simple enough, just tack a label on any relevant information/documentation of "confidential/secret" (in addition to being selective about who gets assigned what, etc). Remember, throughout the Federal Government, anyone who might not be "loyal" (loyal to the President, not loyal to the United States) has already either been removed ("purged") or placed in postions where they don't have any access. (note: just another example of something that may take decades if not hundreds of years to actually restore to proper balance--unless a Democratic majority is willing to engage in "purges" of their own to make things right; and while that might be appropriate, it's not the kind of behavior often displayed by those of liberal orientations)
The real problem, we all know, is that the other two branches of government are remiss in their duties and are both subimissive to the Executive and failing--no, not "failing" as that implies having tried--not even bothering to play their Constitutional role by performing the necessary oversight over the Executive. If they won't reign them in and prevent the excesses, no one will; no one else can.
That being the case, effectively, we already live in a dictatorship. Our Democratic Republic is but an illusion. Whether attempts will be maked to make this permanent we've yet to find out. Congress acts as though they're afraid of this Administration (and they're in a better position to know the facts than we are; perhaps they are under implicit or direct threat--as unthinkable as that is). No doubt that Congress isn't performing any oversight of this President and his Administration, but what's more is that they aren't even being allowed to know what this Executive is doing. Only when there are major "leaks" (of the useful kind as opposed to what trickles out of the mouth (or down the leg) of the currently crowned Bush) does Congress (except perhaps for a handful of select, thoroughly threatened and muzzled Senators) find out--along with us, about Executive abuses. Thus you have to figure that the vast majority of Congressmen are as in the dark as we are (and given the enfeebled characteristics of most of them, they're probably even more in the dark/clueless).
What goes on in our "secret" government, is probably only known in it's entirety by Cheney. Bush knows most of what's done and Condo/Rummy are informed as needed, likewise various other top aides and Cabinet members. Thousands of others doubtless receive highly questionable assignments requiring varying degrees of illicit knowledge. The point being, we have no idea what kinds of egregious activities our government is up to--and most of it doesn't either, and nobody is there to stop it.
So it seems that with practically no information we hardly have any hope of stopping, much less preventing, untold abuses and misdeeds. Perhaps it's not so bad, maybe they aren't doing much that they're not telling us... That, of course, seems rather unlikely given what we know of this bunch. Anyway, that would suggest that whatever Bush announces as his remaining goals for the remainder of his official term may be the least of our problems.
It's a shame to have to be so suspicious of the government of the United States of America; but that's what you get when the President demands that the government take on a culture of secrecy (from it's own people even if it's ostensibly to "protect us from Terra-ists")(that excuse while initially somewhat weak has become more and more recognizable as the blatant lie it is (especially when applied to anything and everything and particularly whatever this administration wants to hide from the people)).
Okay, okay, I'll stop writing now... I don't know, I just seem to start gushing...