Edited on Tue Apr-18-06 07:28 AM by Atman
Let's get real about Rumsfeld. First of all, we know Bush is purely a front man, doesn't actually have any power. He's the clown sent out to put on a show and distract us while the cabal works its evil ways. He's a buffoon.
But Rumsfeld, he knows what he's doing. He and Dick "Dick" Cheney wrote the book. He's right on script. And he's not going anywhere for one simple reason...they're not done over there yet. They have goals and targets, and Rumsfeld will be Secy of Defense until those targets are met. The goals involve completion of the giant embassy and the 14 military bases. They can't let anyone get involved in the project, because it is their business deal. One thing to keep in mind about these guys, it isn't really about war or politics. It's just the next big business deal.
As with the initial invasion, they knew full well things were likely to go poorly, but they couldn't admit that up front. It would scuttle the deal. As with any business deal, it is up to the INVESTORS to do due diligence before getting involved with the project. We are/were the investors, and Congress was/is supposed to be our representative on the deal. "I'm going to run America like a business" was more than a campaign slogan for Bush and Company. They meant it literally. If you've ever been involved in a large business deal (yes, I have), you'd know that what they are doing and how they are going about it is purely cut-throat business. First, get all your ducks in a row before you make a move (line up favorable media, surround yourself with all the right people), issue the favorable press releases, lie if you have to...It's only business. It is up to the other guy to do due diligence. If he doesn't, that isn't your problem.
Closing the deal (getting the men/equipment into Iraq) was all they needed to do, because they knew full well that once they were there, there would be no way to easily pull out or stop their little project. And now, all Rumsfeld is doing is playing the optimistic CEO, telling the shareholders not to worry, that the new factory opening, despite all the complaining from the Planning and Zoning Board, and the local Civic Association, is going forward as planned. That's all BushCo is doing now. Stalling for time, probably redirecting other resources to their construction projects to help guarantee completion ahead of the brewing shitstorm. But they'll wait it out. The factory will be built.
It's only business.