If you want to support the rebirth of American journalism, and the courageous heart and soul of our democracy, you will subscribe to the Iconoclast, and advertise in its pages (if you can).
They gave me hope, when hope was dead. They gave me light--this amazing bright light shining in Texas, and, of all places, in Crawford, Texas--in our darkest hour.
Pour your love on them! Write to them! Subscribe! Advertise products and ideas! Spread the word! If you are an investor, invest in truth and freedom! Provide them with the resources to become our nation's "newspaper of record," because, in spirit, they already are. On the Bush junta, war, and many other vital issues, they stand miles above craprags like the warmongering New York Times and Washington Post. There is more truth in an inch of the Iconoclast than in the entire war profiteering corporate news monopoly newsstream.
They are what American journalism SHOULD BE. Scrappy, feisty, fearless, unrelenting, non-corporatized Truth-Tellers! They are what our democracy is all about. They are what Thomas Jefferson hoped that the First Amendment would create: an UNCONTROLLED press, the fundamental condition necessary for an informed and vigilant citizenry.
They ARE that thing--that magical revolutionary thing--upon which our freedom depends. And we should praise and support them for that, for daring to be real journalists, as the dark "Iron Curtain" of fascist propaganda descended over our land.