Dear Friend,
Immigration is one of our most pressing national security issues and the fact is George Bush and his rubberstamping Republican allies in Congress have failed to deal with it responsibly. Instead, they turn reality upside down and today will start running ads against me on Spanish language radio stations in Nevada claiming "Reid's Democrat allies voted to treat millions of hardworking immigrants as felons."
That is a lie. Democrats fought Bill Frist and House Republican efforts to bow to the extreme rightwing element of their party and treat twelve million hardworking immigrants like felons. In one week Democrats voted twice to support a bill that reinforces border security and brings millions of undocumented workers out of the shadows.
I will fight back against this vicious smear in Nevada, but it will only stop if we show Republicans there is a price to pay for their lies. I'm not going to ask you to contribute to me, but to Democrats running for Senate around the country. We have a real shot at taking back the majority in November and that would be the best revenge.
The fact is that President Bush has as much credibility on immigration as he does on Iraq. If President Bush were actually committed to comprehensive immigration reform, he would have stopped his own party from filibustering it twice last week.
If Republicans are serious about moving forward, then they should join me in calling on Senator Frist to bring immigration reform back to the Senate floor as soon as possible. Hopefully by then, President Bush and his Majority Leader will have found the backbone to stop the extreme elements of the Republican Party.
That seems unlikely since Bush Republicans in Washington are no longer interested in making policy that helps the American people. They know their extreme right wing policies have been a failure in Iraq and a failure here at home. So instead of an honest debate, they lie, smear and attempt to divide our nation. As long as I'm around that won't work.
I know how to deal with people who tell lies about me. In the 1970's, when I was Nevada Gaming Commissioner, some mobsters spread stories about me. They ended up in jail - and Republicans will end up out of office come November.
Republicans should not pick this fight. I've been in more boxing rings then all of them combined. And when you throw a punch at me, you end up on the mat.
Thank you,
Harry Reid