I went to a gun show about a week ago while wearing a t-shirt with concentric red and white circles, along with a baseball cap with foam antlers. I spent most of the afternoon foraging for bark and generally acting like a deer.
Well, the predictable happened. Eventually I was shot by a bunch of trigger-happy, testosterone-soaked men who, by the way, happened to be on a college sports team.
Of course, I can't blame them. I was asking for it, after all.
A ridiculous story? Yes of course. But why is it any less ridiculous to claim that a rape victim is asking for it?
Check out this
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=957110&mesg_id=957110">excellent post for a discussion of that very question.
(with apologies to responsible gun owners and participants in college athletics, of course.)