Speaker Background Statement Iranian Leader Khamenai (2 October 2000, Radio Tehran) “In principle, Israel has a plundering character. Real peace can only be implemented if no side has imperialistic desires and only the real owners of Palestine will rule it, Jews, Moslems or Christians. The recent events have proven that this regime (Israel) conquered the territories by a campaign of murders…. A regime based on force might last a certain period, but it will fail in the end… the Palestinians struggle and the Moslems' support for them will bring us to good results and will eliminate the enemy.” (22 October 2000, Khabar TV ) “The countdown for the Zionist regime has begun.” In a meeting with Syrian Premier, upon his visit to Tehran (23 November 2000, Iranian TV in Persian ) “Certainly the region will witness the day when the Zionist regime will cease to exist … the new Intifada of the Palestinian people will not stop despite all the oppressive steps … and just as many events that seemed impossible occurred, the establishment of a Palestinian State and the destruction of Israel will certainly occur.” In a Friday sermon, (15 December 2000, Iranian TV ) “This is another reason for saving Palestine and destroying the Zionist government. For this reason, Iran and all those supporting freedom view the struggle with Israel as a means for securing the interests of the Moslem states… Iran's position which was first expressed by the Imam and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region. The formula for solving this problem is simple and very humane – that Palestine's inhabitants, not the inhabitants who immigrated to Palestine, return to their land from the refugee camps and from wherever they are and will decide for themselves what the nature of the regime will be. Of course it is natural that no Palestinian, nor Moslem (most of whom are such), as well as the minority – Christians and Jews – will accept the fact that there will be those from London or Moscow or the US who arrive in their country and set up a regime and rule them. The truth is that no Zionist regime at any time will be able to survive on Palestine's soil .” In a meeting with the organizers of the International Conference for Support of the Intifada (15 January 2001, Iranian TV ) “The foundation of the Islamic regime is opposition to Israel and the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region . Palestine is Islamic land that was conquered by an anti-Islamic enemy, and according to Islam, one must oppose the Zionist regime. The support for the Palestinians is a religious decree.” In a meeting with the heads of the Palestinian opposition organizations (26 April 2001, Iranian TV in Persian ) “One must not think that the elimination and destruction of the Zionist regime , despite the powers' support and their advanced arms, is an impossibility .”
In a Friday sermon
(7 December 2001 Iranian TV in Persian ) “The Islamic world must stop being lax and use all its available means to protect Palestine… the Zionist regime is immersed so deep in mud, that it does not know what to do! It is clear that exploitation, lies and murder will not have a good end. These things were destined to take place, and the Zionist regime still faces difficult days … by the participation of the Palestinian youths in the struggle against the occupiers, the Intifada's flames of honor and fire will climb higher, and when sooner or later the occupiers of Palestine are destroyed , this piece of land will be governed by the Palestinians.”
In the Protection of Palestinians Conference, (31 Dec 2001, Khabar TV ) “The present generation will witness the liberation of Palestine… many of the problems of the Islamic World result from the presence of the cancerous tumor in the body of the Islamic World – the Zionist Regime… any compromise on the Palestinian subject would be in complete opposition to Iranian national interests, and our present prestige, honor and national interests are based on our steadfastness vis-a-vis this cancerous tumor.”
In a Friday sermon (5 April 2002, Khabar TV ) Support for suicide bombings and the weakening of Israel – Khamenai praised the behavior of the Palestinian mother who sends her child on a suicide mission and Arafat's statement that he wants to become a Shahid, and he expressed hope that he will stand by his commitment. He emphasized that in light of the Palestinian opposition and by the “march on the road of the Shahids, Israel is slowly disappearing”. By this method, the Palestinians caused an increase in the emigration rate from Israel (“the cancerous growth”) amongst the immigrants, and stopped further immigration to it. Iranian President Khatemi In a conference on the subject of the Koran in Iran,
(24 October 2000, Khabar TV ) “In the Koran God commanded to kill the wicked and those who do not see the rights of the oppressed and murder them, and today we must all hear the sound of the cries of our oppressed brethren in Palestine and mobilize to protect them… refraining from making an effort to save the Palestinian people will be a mark on the foreheads of those who not only did not make an effort, but even helped and help the enemies of Islam. If we abide by real legal laws, we should mobilize the whole Islamic World for a sharp confrontation with the Zionist regime… if we abide by the Koran, all of us should mobilize to kill.” In an interview during a visit to Japan (1 November 2000, ISNA ) “We do not recognize Israel, since its existence is based on the conquest of Palestine lands and the imposition of its policy on all the area's inhabitants. We believe that all of Palestine's inhabitants – Moslems, Christians and Jews together can decide democratically on the sovereign framework under which they wish to co-exist.” A letter from Khatemi read out to the participants of a conference under Iranian Foreign Ministry auspices, (19 November 2000, Iranian TV in Persian ) “The Zionist regime is an undesirable entity in the Middle East, its leaders are imperialists that adopt methods of mass massacre and are attempting to impose artificial peace by force…more than a hundred years have elapsed since the racist idea of establishing the Zionist regime was first raised, following which a violent and criminal regime was established in Palestine … it is hoped that it will be possible despite all difficulties to solve the current crisis in the Middle East and bring about a just peace.” Near the time of his meeting with Syrian Prime Minister in Tehran, (22 November 2000, Khabar TV ) “The Zionist regime continues its illegal existence with the support of the great powers , and it is now clear that the joint position of Iran and Syria against the Zionist regime was the correct one. The Zionist regime defies any logic.” In the “Palestine Conference”
(24 April 2001, IRNA ) “One must listen to the voice of Jerusalem and stand firm vis-a-vis a policy which has turned this holy channel into its altar of racism and violence …how did the ancient co-existence between Moslems, Christians and Jews turn into an altar of racism and intolerance of Zionism … the dangerous phenomenon of Zionism is what is behind the military clashes and the current political conflicts… Zionism has turned the holy religion of Moses into a game of its Satanic desires … the Zionist establishment is based on self-glorification and on trampling on the rights of others, and the same erroneous basis has created a state which is the most despotic ever in history in its violence and brutality, in trampling on the most basic of human rights… the exploits of valor of the Intifada are a pillar of hope for the people's faith and bravery, and for removing the rule of force and violence … whoever wants the spreading of liberty, justice and defense of human rights and honor… cannot but support the Intifada. ….the Islamic Revolution in Iran, from its very outset until the various phases of its victory and consolidation, espoused the slogan – ‘today Iran – tomorrow Palestine' – this is the perpetual cry of our holy martyrs (Shahids)… the exploits of valor in south Lebanon and in Intifada II have disproved the myth that the Zionist regime is invincible, and have opened a clear future of struggle and victory for the Palestinian people.”
In a speech on the occasion of Iranian Armed Forces Day (18 April 2002, IRNA ) Khatemi called the Islamic states to unite “in order to topple the Zionist Regime” – not necessarily by military means (“without firing a single bullet” – so as to reinstate the rights of the Palestinians). Head of the Expediency Council and Former President, Rafsanjani In a Friday sermon, (14 December 2000, Khabar TV ) “ The Jews should expect a ‘reverse exodus', because one day, the tumor will be removed from the body of the Islamic World, and then millions of Jews who moved there will become homeless again . And when will that be? We shall have to discuss it another time”… “If one day, a very important day, of course, the Islamic World will also be equipped with the weapons available to Israel now, the imperialist strategy will reach an impasse, because the employment of even one atomic bomb inside Israel will wipe it off the face of the earth, but would only do damage to the Islamic World . It is not unreasonable to consider this possibility… the people who have no choice but to sacrifice themselves will not be intimidated by the violence. After all, they have nothing to lose. How can a man lose something when he believes that by blowing himself up, one moment he is in the material world and in another moment he is in a divine heaven, borne by the wings of God's angels . And when he comes there, he shall sit by the Prophet and God's offspring, in a welcoming ceremony honoring the Shahids.” Iranian Foreign Minister, Kharazi An interview during a visit in Lebanon
(21 March 2001, Al Safir ) “The Lebanese people suffered a great deal from the Israeli occupation and we in Iran have stood by this people, and by the Islamic resistance in the battle for liberation of the land, and we shall also stand by its side until the full liberation and the defeat of Israel . The Iranian-Syrian-Lebanese cooperation, which led to the IDF withdrawal from south Lebanon, will also lead to the liberation of Palestine.” Deputy Foreign Minister
Mohammad Sadr In an open conference held in the Interior Ministry in Tehran by the Iranian party umbrella organization
(7 May 2002, IRNA ) Apparently in response to claims that Iran's position on this subject does not serve its national interests, the deputy foreign minister claimed that the support for the Palestinians is effectively preserving the national interest, and therefore it heads the order of priorities. This, since the Palestinians are fighting Iran's enemies, Israel and the US, and as long as the Intifada continues, it means that the “enemy is busy” and cannot find time to attack Iraq, and possibly Iran afterwards. Thus, Iran will support the Palestinians and the Intifada as long as this position does not in any way threaten its interests and security. The chairman of the Majlis Foreign and Defence Committee, Miradmadi, stated that although Iran believes that “Israel must not continue to exist” in the new circumstances which have developed “it must consider and see to what extent this slogan can be implemented. He said that if most of the Palestinian people agreed to some sort of solution to the conflict, the slogan of Israel's destruction will no longer serve the Iranian interest and in such a case, Iran “will not be able to be more Palestinian than the Palestinians”. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Asafi (19 December 2000, Radio Tehran ) “The entire Palestinian people has entered the arena of struggle with the Zionist regime and wants realization of all its rights, including the right to determine its fate and the right of return. The return to the negotiating table ignores the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. The only way to restore calm to the region is the destruction of the root of the crisis and implementation of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.” Presidential Advisor and Head of the International Conference in Support of the Intifada, Muhtashemi Pur In a conference on the subject of Jerusalem in Lebanon
(29 January 2001, Radio Tehran ) “The Moslem nations must support the Palestinian people by supplying arms and funds and fulfilling its Jihad needs ...”
(29 January 2001, Radio Tehran ) “The Zionist entity is a dangerous cancerous tumor in the Islamic and Arab body and by means of its tentacles, it threatens world and human peace, therefore it must be uprooted.”