Edited on Tue Apr-18-06 04:15 PM by jrw14125
pre-2000 - Bush and Cheney are both former CEOs of oil companies (and in the case of Halliburton, a company that supports oil companies, ie: construction, etc.); Bush's entire family is well-connected to the Saudi shiekdom/oil empire. Bush and Cheney campaign on a platform that under clinton/gore, gas prices are way too high, and Gore is going to make them higher. in 1998, cheny says "High gas prices are a sign of a failed presidency." bush says "If I'm president I'm going to tell opec to turn on the spiggots."
January 2001 - when bush is sworn in, gas is at $1.68/gallon.
2001 - On taking office, Cheney meets with oil company execs (but not alternative fuel companies) in secret "energy policy task force" - they are reputed to have reviewed maps of iraqi oil fields. Their purpose is to set fuel policy for America. - Cheney refuses to diclose the members in attendance at these meetings, despite FOIA requests to do so. - The case (whether he has to turn over documents/names) goes all the way up to the Supreme Court - Cheney goes duck hunting with his buddy, Supreme Court Justice Scalia, 1 week before the SC is set to hear the case. - Scalia refuses to recuse himself from this case involving his buddy Dick. We need to "get a life." - Supreme Court, in a shaky opinion, says Dick does not have to turn over his documents. yay for dick.
2003 - we invade Iraq to "rid Saddam of his WMDs" (ostensibly for many other reasons that have also since been debunked; current talking point is to "spread freedom and democracy" alothugh this is now morphing into "to show other middle east countries that we are firm" - whatever that means) - immediately upon invading, the first thing we do is occupy the oil fields and guard the ministry of oil; meanwhile, looters destroy most of the remaining infrastructure and empty out the weapons depots that we left unguarded) - for some reason, 3 years later, we still have not gotten oil production/supply up to the limited pre-war levels. (not to mention water and electric, but that's a whole different rant)
2005 - After Katrina, oil/gas prices shoot way up, and it looks like price gouging by the oil companies; Exxon becomes the most profitable company in last quarter of 2005 EVER. Other oil companies do almost as well.
- Bush holds hands with his saudi buddies to tell them to cut prices (who are also cousins with the guy that blew up 3000 americans) - gas prices stay high anyway. at least it makes for good photo op for GBLT groups.
- Congress decides to hold hearings. oil company execs are brought in to testify. congressman Sensebrenner (big Alaskan friend of the oil companies and chief proponent of drilling in ANWR) refuses to allow the oil execs to be sworn in. (oddly enough, those testifying about all-important steroids in baseball the week before were required to be sworn in) - The oil execs all testify that they did NOT meet with Cheney at those energy task force meetings, when we all know they did thanks to whistleblowers. recall they are NOT under oath. - the story dies. tales of missing white women and bear attacks abound. Americal Idol is heating up. 24 is back on. So is Lost. We have to go to work.
2006 - Exxon's CEO retires with a $750 million severance package.
TODAY - Gas is @ $3.00/gallon. Oil company stocks and profits continue at record levels.
- American auto manufacturers are what, 10 years behind their foreign competitors in designing cars that run on alternative fuels? Combustion engines contribute to increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere, increasing the risk of irreversible global warming which could kill millions. China and India are going to have millions more of these engines on the roads in a few years. Polar bears are drowning, the ice caps are melting, etc etc.
- Bush HAS vowed to investigate the high oil prices. Of course, he also said he was going to get to the bottom of the Plame leak, and OJ was going to find the real killers... so we all know where this will lead - straight to Abramoff's favorite golf course.
- Cheney's Halliburton stock is up almost 4000% since the invasion of iraq.
- Looks like Iran is next. Predictions for that are $5/gallon, $125/barrel for gas and oil.
When are we going to wake up and demand investigations? I don't care who's in office as long as they hold people accountable. This is abolsutely ridiculous.
At least Shumer is calling for investigations. (Hillary must be too busy with that all-important anti-flag burning amendment.) My VA senators are doing nothing.
Just my rant for the day. You may all go about your business....