Carl Bernstein, whose investigative reporting with Bob Woodward broke the Watergate scandal, has now called for a congressional investigation of the Bush White House in his recent Vanity Fair article.
Is incompetence an impeachable offense? The question is another reason to defer the fraught matter of impeachment (if deserved) in the Bush era until the ground is prepared by a proper fact-finding investigation and public hearings conducted by a sober, distinguished committee of Congress.
We have never had a presidency in which the single unifying thread that flows through its major decision-making was incompetence—stitched together with hubris and mendacity on a Nixonian scale. There will be no shortage of witnesses to question about the subject.
This is a fascinating article, drawing many comparisons of the abuses of power prepetrated by Nixon and Bush. Bernstein suggests that the creation of a special committee, like the Ervin Committee in the Nixon era, is the best way to address these abuses. While he does not mention House Resolution 635 by name, I am very pleased to have Mr. Bernstein endorse my legislative proposal. US Reps for Bush Impeachment Inquiry
H. Res 635