Bush: ‘Pioneering’ and privatizing Medicare
Archive Recent Editions 2004 Editions Jun 19, 2004
Author: David Donnelly, The Nations's Health/Workers' Safety
People's Weekly World Newspaper, 06/17/04
UnitedHealth Group CEO William McGuire co-hosted a $1.4 million fundraiser on August 26, 2003, for President Bush, and has personally raised more than $100,000 for President Bush’s re-election campaign.
Recently, McGuire’s insurance company was chosen by the Bush administration to receive a contract to distribute so-called “drug discount cards” under the Medicare plan. Also tucked into the Bush Medicare plan at the last minute was a provision to expand Health Savings Accounts, which are only offered by a few companies like Golden Rule Insurance Company. UnitedHealth purchased Golden Rule for $500 million cash just days before the legislation was passed.
Is there a connection?
Few insurance corporations had as much to win or lose in Medicare debate last fall than Minnesota-based UnitedHealth, the nation’s largest insurer. That’s why it comes as no surprise that their CEO, William McGuire, co-hosted a $1.4 million fundraising event in St. Paul, Minnesota on Aug. 26, 2003, for President Bush, and earned Pioneer status for personally raising more than $100,000.
The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Bush Medicare program would provide an additional $14.2 billion in profits for HMOs and insurance corporations for handling the prescription drug benefits. Clearly, privatizing Medicare will improve UnitedHealth’s already healthy bottom line. The company had $1.8 billion in profits in 2003, a 35 percent increase from the previous year.
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