Edited on Wed Apr-19-06 09:20 AM by genie_weenie
This is what States have always done.
The British government didn't give a shit about the Chinese when they allowed British "businessmen" import tons of opium into China in order to stem the flow of bullion into Chinese hands.
Middle East Muslim nations routinely state Israel does not have a right to exist.
Turkey, Iran and Saddam made sure the Kurds would never, ever get a Kuridstan. Turkey is no agitating and attacking the Kurds again despite their overtures to the EU by allowing the Kurds to freely speak their language in the open after a 90 year ban.
France insists that Brittany, the Langedouc and Navarre are FRENCH and have no right to secede.
What's going on with Free Quebec?
Clinton expanded the Northern and Southern Watch and fully endorsed the embargo on Iraq.
Remember the US causing Panama to find democracy from Colombia and creating a new state which, surprise, was very open to the idea of the US creating a canal across the isthmus?
So, I have a real problem with DUers who are shocked, shocked at the policies of the US under Bush and all the evil and problems it's going to cause for us. Is it just because the Dictator in chief does not claim to feel your pain that you have a problem???