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Nick Casey"They're a bunch of inside-the-Beltway lying Republican thugs,"

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
cal04 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 12:59 PM
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Nick Casey"They're a bunch of inside-the-Beltway lying Republican thugs,"
Mollohan targeted in phone campaign
A political committee that supports Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives is phoning voters in West Virginia's 1st Congressional District and urging them to call for Rep. Alan Mollohan's resignation from the House ethics committee. The National Republican Congressional Committee's taped message starts off with, "Hello, I'm calling with an important congressional update."

The message then discusses the controversy that has erupted over Mollohan's personal finances and his funneling of $250 million into five nonprofit groups he established. "Since the House ethics committee will be investigating these allegations, Alan Mollohan should resign his position on the ethics committee," the phone message says. "Please call Congressman Mollohan and tell him he should resign from the ethics committee. "This call was paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee."

State Democratic Chairman Nick Casey blasted the committee and its campaign.
"They're a bunch of inside-the-Beltway lying Republican thugs," Casey said. "Karl Rove is their leader and they should be under criminal investigation for doing this. If not for Mollohan resisting the Republicans, Tom Delay would still be in Washington stealing from people." Casey blamed the Mollohan controversy on a partisan war on Capitol Hill. Jonathan Collegio, the committee's press secretary, said the calls were being placed to Republicans and Democrats in the district. He said he didn't know how many calls were made or how long the campaign will last.

Casey said the media should consider the sources before running full-force with such a story. He believes the "radical Republican right," particularly presidential advisor Rove, has orchestrated the Mollohan story. It's shameful," Casey said, "even on behalf of those newspapers. They allow themselves to be manipulated by the Rove Republicans." Mollohan has said he has no plans to resign from the ethics committee. He's also denied any wrongdoing.
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Zenlitened Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Apr-19-06 02:13 PM
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1. Hats off to Casey for blasting back with both barrels!
It's going to take harsh-language and even some -- gasp! -- name-calling to fend off the republican slime machine the next few months.

Love to hear a Dem tellin' it like it is!


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