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Letter to the Editor
Our laws mean little if the government—especially the president—is allowed to break them without consequence.
Two bills now before the Senate, S.2453, the “National Security Surveillance Act” and the S.2455 the so-called “Terrorist Surveillance Act,” would reward the Bush administration’s stonewalling of Congress and whitewash the president’s violations of the Constitution by ratifying the National Security Agency’s continued spying on Americans, without a full investigation by lawmakers.
Though public alarm over illegal spying continues to grow, our voices must be louder if we hope to reach lawmakers before they pass this troubling new legislation, effectively ratifying the president’s assault on the Constitution after the fact.
Please add your own voice to this fundamental debate over American values by using our Letter to the Editor tool. With a letter to your local papers, you can help bring our message not only to your neighbors, but directly to the offices of your Members of Congress, where staffers and lawmakers themselves follow opinions from home with an especially watchful eye.President Bush claims that current surveillance laws hinder the war on terror. Yet federal law already allows al Qaeda agents’ calls and e-mails to be targeted and wiretapped. What the law does not allow is for government agents to conduct electronic surveillance targeting Americans in this country without any proof to a court that they are doing anything wrong.
Lawmakers should not pass any bill approving the president’s warrantless surveillance without knowing the full extent of the program. These two bills would do just that.
Congress must enforce the system of checks and balances and take steps to ensure the president stops acting as though he is above the law and above the Constitution.
Send your Letter to the Editor right now urging Congress to uphold its duty and defend our freedoms.