Thanks a lot, Bushco. How many gays and lesbians were beaten during your "protect marriage" smokescreen? How many latino/as are being harassed because of your pandering to the anti-immigrant crowd?
Just received the following email from the president of my college (names changed or deleted):
Colleagues, As you know we are committed to raising publicly incidents of harassment and so it saddens me to report another issue of racial harassment that has affected members of the college family. A young woman, the daughter of one of our faculty members, took the bus from college to the university last Monday afternoon. When the bus arrived at the last stop and all passengers were getting off, a passenger got up and stood by the back door and asked others to go ahead of him and get off. When it was the young woman's turn to get off the man asked her: "Are you Iranian?" She replied: "Yes." He then asked again: "Are you really Iranian?" Again she replied: "Yes." Then he, in front of the seven people who were waiting to get off, spat at the young woman's face, got off and walked away. Unfortunately, it appears that all students but one witnessing this, got off and walked away too, leaving the young woman in tears on the bench. One student stayed and offered some comfort. This is appalling and beyond unacceptable. Particularly with immigration issues on the daily news some very strong and misinformed perceptions are being discussed that foster a climate that encourages such deplorable behavior. We should not stand by and let this kind of unconscionable act pass unnoticed or without discussion. We want and expect a very different climate at the college Here is what the college is doing: We are contacting the bus line to formally report this incident. We will discuss with them code of conduct policies and how they can assure the safety of passengers. It appears that we have a photo of the perpetrator so we will assist the bus line to see if we can identify the person. We will offer support to our staff member and his daughter. I'd like to encourage anyone witnessing this kind of incident to not only lend support but to speak up/call for help. Although this incident did not occur on campus, please take this opportunity to remind students that we must extend our efforts to develop a safe and respectful learning environment beyond the campus itself to the bus system on which so many of our student depend, and to the broader community. Thank you for your attention and concern. College President