Lieberman tells Israeli paper U.S. must keep military options open on Iran
Joseph Straw, Register Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON — The U.S. must leave open the option of military action to disable Iran’s emerging nuclear capability if economic and diplomatic measures fail to stop its development, U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn., told the Jerusalem Post.
Lieberman, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of few members of his party who strongly supports the Bush administration’s policy in neighboring Iraq, said striking Iran is "probably the last choice, but it has to be there," the Post reported Wednesday. A full interview with Lieberman will be published by the Israeli newspaper Friday.
"I don’t think anyone is thinking of this as a massive ground invasion, as in Iraq, to topple the government," but instead "an attempt to hit some of the components of the nuclear program" with air power and covert action on the ground, Lieberman said.