...and the sites were systematically looted after the US ordered UN inspecters out and then failed to guard the sites. And now where are the dangerous biotoxins, the means to hide precision equipment to be used to develop nuclear weapons and missiles, the means to develop chemical weapons? Maybe they will wind up in New York.
The common knowledge is now "No WMDs found in Iraq." That leaves people room to conclude: The Bush administration made a mistake by invading when the weapons weren't there, but we are safer anyway because, goodness knows, Iraq hasn't been acquiring weapons since we've been there.
Update the common knowledge to "Rumsfeld/Bush invasion dramatically increased risk of terrorist/nuclear attack" and we have an obvious illustration of how Rethug leadership puts us in DANGER. An attack on Iran will raise the risk of terrorism to a level of 100% certainty.On Edit: Of course Iraq DID NOT HAVE WMDs at the time of the invasion. They were years and years (?) away from being able to have WMDs even if the UN inspectors had stopped their mission to destroy the means to create them. Even IF Iraq had had WMDs, the war would still have been pre-emptive (and thus against international law and immoral). THE POINT IS THIS: Everything the Bush administration does puts us in GRAVE DANGER.AMY GOODMAN: In this first broadcast interview upon publication of his book, Professor Noam Chomsky joins us today from Boston for the hour. We welcome you to Democracy Now!, Noam.
JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, Professor Chomsky, in the early parts of the book, especially on the issue of the one characteristic of a failed state, which is its increasing failure to protect its own citizens, you lay out a pretty comprehensive look at what the, especially in the Bush years, the war on terrorism has meant in terms of protecting the American people. And you lay out clearly, especially since the war, the invasion of Iraq, that terrorist, major terrorist action and activity around the world has increased substantially. And also, you talk about the dangers of a possible nuclear -- nuclear weapons being used against the United States. Could you expand on that a little bit?
NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, there has been a very serious threat of nuclear war. It's not -- unfortunately, it's not much discussed among the public. <snip>
And Bush administration policies have, again, consciously been carried out in a way, which they know is likely to increase the threat of terror. The most obvious example is the Iraq invasion. That was undertaken with the anticipation that it would be very likely to increase the threat of terror and also nuclear proliferation. And, in fact, that's exactly what happened, according to the judgment of the C.I.A., National Intelligence Council, foreign intelligence agencies, independent specialists. They all point out that, yes, as anticipated, it increased the threat of terror. In fact, it did so in ways well beyond what was anticipated.
To mention just one, we commonly read that there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. Well, it's not totally accurate. There were means to develop weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and known to be in Iraq. They were under guard by U.N. inspectors, who were dismantling them. When Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and the rest sent in their troops, they neglected to instruct them to guard these sites. The U.N. inspectors were expelled, the sites were left unguarded. The inspectors continued their work by satellite and reported that over a hundred sites had been looted, in fact, systematically looted, not just somebody walking in, but careful looting. That included dangerous biotoxins, means to hide precision equipment to be used to develop nuclear weapons and missiles, means to develop chemical weapons and so on. All of this has disappeared. One hates to imagine where it's disappeared to, but it could end up in New York.
Friday, March 31st, 2006
EXCLUSIVE...Noam Chomsky on Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=06/03/31/148254>Monday, April 3rd, 2006
Noam Chomsky on Iraq Troop Withdrawal, Haiti, Democracy in Latin America and the Israeli Elections