<snip>He surrounds himself with ‘yes’ men that fawn over him with enough brownnosing to embarrass any self-thinking male with a brain in his head. A lot of men – especially those driven by ego -- treat their underlings with the kind of abuse Imus heaps on his crew, but never quite so publicly. They in turn refer to him as the I-man, which comes across as kind of silly when you’re grown adults with children of your own.
The show’s executive producer and former choir boy Bernard McGuirk and the effete Charles McCord, a supposed reborn Christian who reads the news and meekly refers to Imus as I-dude as Imus berates him and heaps abuse on him. Never mind turning the other cheek, when it comes to Imus, Charles McCord, Bernard McGuirk and the rest of his crew are spreading both cheeks and not the the ones on their faces either.
It’s not his over-the-top, homophobic, racist, misogynist, jingoist, geocentric commentary and the political incorrectness of his show that’s at issue. Nor the boring Kathy Lee Gifford meanderings about his annoying son, Wyatt, nor the one-act, one-joke retards and morons he employs. It’s his guests.
He has smartly interwoven faux beltway sophistication with faux cowboy country rustic with a blend of unmistakable trailer trash tawdry that somehow commands the attention of every columnist vying enviously to get onto his show, and politicians -- both locally in New York and nationally --know that passing the Imus test can have more impact on a race than most would like to admit. snip
Following the terrorist attacks on September 11th, Imus, McGuirk and “the gang” branded anyone who wasn’t embracing President Bush’s “with us or against us” shtick as treasonous. But once the war started and body bags started coming back, McGuirk and Imus changed their tune and started blaming Dick Cheney, calling him names that would normally have incited Lynn Cheney to mobilize Joe Lieberman to try and censor. But like Lieberman, Lynn Cheney doesn’t mind kissing another old, flat, wrinkled ass if it’s politically expedient, even if they refer to her daughter Mary as a "rug muncher." After all, it’s the L-word uttered by Kerry that “outed” their already very out daughter and bent them out of shape. It would be great to hear Lynn Cheney justify her appearance on Imus to Judith Shepherd, Matthew Shepherd’s mother.