,9565,169869,00.htmlJust thought this was an interesting look back.
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"It's early yet. But not that early.
"George W. Bush's term is one-eighth gone, and there remains a curious lifelessness at the heart of his administration, a quality of grumpy somnambulism. Or something.
"What movie is screening itself in the Bushies' heads, what visions project themselves there? None that I can make out. There's no plot, no clarity. The script needs work. Bush is indulging in WASP Zen, that reticence that is the sound of one hand clapping, a self-confident smirk meant to signal a resolute and maybe cunning refusal to be ingratiating to the rest of the world, about Kyoto or anything else.
"That approach might be the beginning of something admirable or original — if the man at the center, who gives the administration its name, were really at the center. But we don't see him there, we don't feel him, we don't hear him. He has an agenda, but it is not sufficiently articulated, not persuasively proclaimed."
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