Just a few instances.....
From his address to the Council on Foreign Relations in Feb 2006:
"When we're dealing with Iran, we need the diplomatic throw weight of a Western world put together with Russia and China, not three European countries that are operating on a franchise agreement with the United States. The United States needs to be directly involved in those negotiations.......
I would encourage the United States leadership right now, this week, before March, before it goes to the United Nations Security Council, immediately to talk to the Iranian government. Iran has been a -- it's a great nation. It's 60, 70 million people with a tremendous heritage, and we've got a wonderful Iranian-American community. And the policy that we've pursued toward Iran for the last five to 10 years, no matter what the historical antecedents were or our anger at 1979 and the hostages, still, it's a policy that hasn't served American interests.
So right now what we need to be doing is talking to Iran -- right now, this week."
From his Real State of the Union address in Janury of 2006:
"But actions on Iran are urgent.
We should join now — right now - in opening new talks with Iran, in which we ourselves participate, before pressing for UN action or moving toward the military option."
From an appearance on Forbes on Fox from Oct 2005:
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Yeah, I think that, you know, we don't know whether Iran will cooperate, because we've not tried. But Iran has common interests, and I don't think you can contemplate moving ahead in the Middle East and staying in Iraq if you continue the policy of isolating Iran as they move toward a nuclear weapon. We're going to have a challenge with Iran. Let's face it, but let's talk before we use force on Iran.
Forbes: Yes, General. The fact of the matter is Iran is under a theocracy. It is under a dictator, Islamic dictatorship. They're not going to change. Maybe the Iranians can change the government, but it's not going to change.
(Several people talk at once)
Asman: Hold on folks, one at a time. Go ahead General.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Steve, I don't know how you can say that with such certainty. I've had a lot of Iranians coming up to me. I don't know how you can say that. You're giving a theory. We've got our troops on the ground.
Forbes: That's fact general, since the late 1970's. Look at the situation there.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: No, it's not a fact. Listen, we can talk to Iran. We've got to try to talk to Iran, because the alternative is to use force.
Forbes: We've tried to talk to Iran a number of times, General.
unidentified person: Let's bring them a cake.
GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, this administration hasn't, and we haven't tried since we've got 150,000 troops, and I'll tell you when you put 150,000 troops in a region, it changes the diplomacy. So, let's use a little diplomacy and help those troops over there.
From an address at the University of Florida at Gainesville in Sept 2005:
"Iran has biological weapons and chemical weapons we believe.
They certainly used the chemical weapons, used them 15 years ago against the Iraqis and believe they want nuclear weapons but probably don't have them yet.
They're working to get them and we haven't been affected yet -- effective yet in stopping them from moving toward nuclear weapons.
In fact, we won't talk to the Iranians about this. We've let Europe negotiate but not us."