Edited on Fri Apr-21-06 09:35 AM by dusmcj
The only right way to get laid is the Connecticut Wankee Bitch way, where you: 1. hang out in the mid-fifties East in Manhattan trying to find men between 30 and 50 who wear an appropriately expensive suit and drive a BMW, Merc or Lexus in Manhattan without dings 2. go into bars said men enter and chat them up about your trust fund, the funds they manage, and how you enjoy wearing chaps while fox hunting. 3. convince them that you're a good fuck by getting them to take you to an expensive dinner at Smith and Wollensky's, where you order the Porterhouse, and then leave it on your plate untouched to be thrown out, having nibbled only your wilty salad. This shows you're a high-class piece of ass. 4. make clever circuitous smalltalk as you both edge closer to the mark's Bimmer. 5. let him push you up against the car side and throw his tongue down your throat, giving in only to the extent that a college girl from a rich family in Connecticut would. If you have to ask, you shouldn't play. 6. drive home on the Merritt and grope each other halfheartedly through your designer jeans and his Brooks Brothers. He can get the pants drycleaned in the morning. 7. rush in on arrival in a frenzy of overdramatized passion, and leave a trail of clothing on the way to the bedroom the way they do in those liquor ads. 8. whatever you do during the act is irrelevant, it's the afterparty that counts. Make sure you strike the appropriate languid JBF pose as you feel him up about how much he's actually worth, and where he "summers". 9. if you've got him eating out of your hand (as opposed to your, uhh, oh, nevermind), then you are GOOD TO GO, BABY!!! Tie that cock up now, just make sure the prenup gets adequate review.
My my, look, I think I've just written a definition for 'vulgar', how'd I do that ? Oh, I had a Role Model, wow, that Connected shit really works, huh.