Feingold Gets Big Spike in PAC Donations
By FREDERIC J. FROMMER, Associated Press Writer
Thu Apr 20, 7:41 PM ET
WASHINGTON - Sen. Russ Feingold (news, bio, voting record)'s call for censuring President Bush appears to have paid dividends for the senator's political action committee.
Feingold's leadership PAC, the Progressive Patriots Fund, pulled in $282,000 last month, according to a report filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission. In February, the PAC raised $105,000.
Feingold, D-Wis., announced in March that he introduce a resolution to censure Bush over the administration's eavesdropping program.
"I bet that really did stimulate contributions a lot," said Charles Franklin, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "The censure resolution, and lack of any other Democrat backing it, really put a lot of Bush-haters onto Feingold."
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