In another thread, I made a statement that us liberals can't simply argue issues based on research, studies, etc, because conservatives have their own set of studies they're pointing to. a lot of these studies are propaganda, but they're still packaged very smoothly.
Anyhow, I found this site: which illustrates my point well.
A few quotes from the site:
"What Makes Women Happy in Their Marriages? The top predictors of women’s marital happiness, in order of importance:1.A husband’s emotional engagement.
2. Fairness.
3. A breadwinning husband.
4. A commitment to marriage.
5. Staying at home.
6. Shared religious attendance.
7. Traditional gender attitudes.
Question A. Does this study apply to more feminist-minded women?Yes. In a companion study , W. Bradford Wilcox looked at marital happiness among women who had more progressive gender attitudes about the division of work and family, and who expressed support for working wives. Even women in this sample tended to be happier if they did not work outside the home, had a husband who took the lead in breadwinning, and/or shared a strong commitment to the norm of lifelong marriage."
Now, my point
is not to say that this research is "correct." My point is that we live in an era of postmodern science; people cherry pick those studies they wish to be true in a more active manner than they used to. If they don't want to believe in feminism, there's enough "alternative science" to validate their assumptions.
It almost doesn't matter which studies are valid. In a perverse way, those studies the culture most readily embraces are the ones that become "true."