Edited on Fri Apr-21-06 06:09 PM by mntleo2
He had no intentions of drowning himself and his elitist friends ~ just the rest of We The People. He has liked nothing better than to hike up taxes, increase the military, give out corporate welfare like candy while taking away from the poor, and making sure all benefits go to the elite, is all.
I think prostitution is a noble career, when done with class and when it does not hurt anybody. But, like a syphilic whore, Nordquist and his ilk are just low classed prostitutes in Armani suits who would do anything for a buck at the expense of everyone else while spreading misery and war so they can live in opulence. For what they have wrought, they are putrid piles of dung, un-American and well...cheap whores. They are the seeping boils on the asses of humanity. SCOTUS judges who cheapen the law, presidents who sully the office, think tanks based on lies, legislators who kiss corporate asses, they all deserve to be mooned and ridiculed, IMO.
If Dobbs could not see that from the first time he saw these fools, then HE is a damn fool. I could see it years ago and knew what they were and I am just an ignorant low income person weith no ties to the elite. It is why I cannot stomach talking heads like him. These corporate media people think they are so smart when they do not have a clue.
Cat In Seattle
Edited for clarity