McCarthy was doing her duty as she saw it, alerting the American public to the use of illegal torture of the US (by way of foreign countries) and the presence of illegal torture prisons for our prisoners on foreign soil. However, she knew that she had filed a non-disclose agreement, so she must have ben damn careful dealing with her reporter contacts, including WaPo's Dana Priest. Well. Priest got a Pulitzer this week, and, perhaps in retaliation, her source at the CIA just got shut down.
Someone blew McCarthy's secret.
Story from the Wa Po here: is my question: who let the cat out of the bag? Since this is my game, I am going first. I say it was one of the Right Wing Looney's who have been writing crazy editorials (or allowing crazy editorial to be published) like "The Good Lie" or Why Rummie is Always Right. I think that we will soon discover that the snitch actually WORKS at the WaPo, and that this is why all of DC knew that McCarthy had been caught and fired before there was any official announcement.
I am so certain that it had to be someone at the WaPo that I would give it 2:1 odds right now.
Anyone else wanna place any bets.