of Days? A Political Poem
It all began when the election was stolen.
But we didn’t realize the system was broken.
The Towers came down.
The die was cast.
The Bill of Rights became a thing of the past.
Yellowcake uranium, aluminum tubes.
WMDs they said he would use.
The threat was imminent we were told.
We didn’t know the lie was bold.
Mission Accomplished, the sign said.
Tell that to the wounded and dead.
Shattered lives on both sides.
The pictures are kept from our eyes.
Flag draped coffins, in a hangar they’re laid.
But we cannot see the price being paid.
A storm, a flood, a great city in tatters.
They’re poor, they’re black, they really don’t matter.
Pensions gone, jobs offshored.
Millions more for corporate boards.
Quakers and Grannies are labeled as threats.
Not a second thought about the national debt.
Truth, justice and the American way.
Is it just a quaint notion of bygone days?
We used the bomb first.
He may use it again.
Do they really want to bring on the end?
David Faerberg
Potomac, Maryland