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Ritter describes America today....

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Postman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-22-06 06:26 PM
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Ritter describes America today....
Edited on Sat Apr-22-06 06:26 PM by Postman

Question: I think you’ve said that you think Americans, by their nature, are violent.

Ritter: What I said was that America, as a country, is addicted to war and violence. We have a national addiction to war and violence. I’ve also said we’ve devolved… into a nation—and as proud as I am of 12 years in the Marine Corps, and I love my military service, and I’m very proud of our armed forces—but they do not define us. They serve us, and they serve a larger cause. That’s why we take an oath when we join the military to uphold and defend the Constitution.

But today, pretty much the symbol of America is the military. That’s what many Americans use to define who we are and what we are. If you look at how the State Department has seen its position erode vis-à-vis its interface with the rest of the world, and how the Pentagon has become the preeminent ambassadorial representative around the world. It’s the military that’s taking the lead. M-1 tanks, F-15s, B-2s—these are the symbols of national pride. What an absurd situation to be in! I would have thought that the statue of liberty, the flag—so many other symbols out there that stand for the basic precepts of what this nation is—would be the symbols we would rally around, but it’s the military. And why? Because it’s reflective of the sad reality that America today is a society that has been militarized in so many ways, shapes and forms, staring from our economy, which has fallen into the military-industrial-complex trap that Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about, all the way to our entertainment, where we glorify war on television and in the movie theater.

So few Americans today actually share the burden of service. When you have the vast majority of Americans who don’t know what military service is about, but glorifying it, again it shows that there’s a disconnect there—because those who serve in the military for damn sure don’t glorify war.
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cpousnret Donating Member (213 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-22-06 06:34 PM
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1. right
it starts with minding your own business,and let others tend to theirs.i think we are paranoid and egotistical thinking the rest of the world is thinking of us.if we concentrated on the internal problems of the u.s. it would make us a stronger nation.
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