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Senators, Fishing, Handouts and Hypocrites (Senator Shelby, obtained $160 million for the fishing)

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Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-08 07:03 PM
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Senators, Fishing, Handouts and Hypocrites (Senator Shelby, obtained $160 million for the fishing)

Senators, Fishing, Handouts and Hypocrites
Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, one of the infamous politicians of the auto bailout fiasco, recently obtained $160 million for the fishing industry nationwide. A portion of this amount is headed for the Alabama fishing industry for reasons they have no control over. Shelby states on his own website and we quote “This funding will provide much needed assistance to an industry that is a vital part of the Alabama economy”. The taxpayers of this nation should be aware this is not a government approved loan to the fishing industry but rather a handout.

Doesn't it seem rather hypocritical that someone can be so supportive of one industry and then be so adamantly against another that is much more vital to the nations economy? Perhaps the fishing industry should consider raising their prices to solve their problems and not rely on the government for handouts!

Read more on Sen. Shelby
Sen. Shelby vs. Automaker Facts

Click the dates AT LINK for information from Sen. Shelby's website

Shelby Announces $75 Million for Fisheries Industry
May 22, 2008 - Washington, D.C.

Shelby Announces $85 Million for Fisheries Industry
September 27, 2008 - Washington, D.C.

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